Sunday, April 4, 2010

Check Username Availability Across Networks

Want to be sure you get your fav username? Check these out.

Five applications that check username availability across all sites simultaneously:

1. namechk – (free)
Namechk checks username availability across 122 sites. Unlike the two sites below, namechk does not offer username monitoring or any additional pay services.

2. Usernamecheck Enter the name you want to register and click check - it will show if the username you entered is available.

3. KnowEm – (free + pay option)
KnowEm checks username availability across 120 sites. There are also two premium service options. You can pay them a one time fee of $64.95 to register all of your unclaimed usernames that they have in their 120 site database. Another option is to subscribe monthly. KnowEm promises to register your username on your behalf with all the new sites that crop up every month (up to 16 per month). They also promise beta invites to subscribers as well.

4. Friends Call Me – (free)
Many people might be familiar with the team behind Friends Call Me as they are the same group who run the popular color and design community website Friends Call Me offers the ability to check usernames across more than 150 sites. What’s also quite useful is that the site organizes the websites it checks by category. Like KnowEm, the site also monitors new sites and notifies you about them. However, Friends Call Me doesn’t offer to register them for you for a fee (like KnowEm) – you must register them yourself. Friends Call Me also offers something the above services don’t – a landing page for all your profiles. Other sites like FriendFeed, Retaggr and DandyID provide similar functionality but this addition is a great compliment to the Friends Call Me offering.

5. usernamez checks your desired username on all popular social networking websites.

There are others, I'm sure I have missed. Feel free to comment and leave more!

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