Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Our New Book, The First of Many: "Publish, Preserve and Profit from Your Family Recipes"

I have spent my life as an avid reader and I love it. I've always wondered, though, if I could ever be on the other side of it. You know, WRITING the books, as opposed to reading them. Publishing a book requires much knowledge.

My husband and I have spent our entire lives learning. We absolutely LOVE learning. With all we've learned, we knew we should find a way to share that knowledge with others. And enjoy a lifelong dream. So, a year or more ago, we began talking about writing books. We would talk about it periodically, but it seemed to always go on the back burner. Perhaps it just wasn't the right time. Timing is everything, you know.

When we began this conversation back in the fall, somehow I knew, we knew, this time was different. All the pieces were coming together. The timing seemed right. It was also 'just time to do it.' So we began. I'm tickled to say that on my daddy's birthday, 2/2/2012, we published our first book. The first of many. We have so many ideas written down and running through our minds that it is distracting at times! It's like once we committed to the process, the ideas just started flowing.

We also started a publishing company to go hand in hand with writing the books. The name we chose, Pistol Mill Publishing™, goes back to the roots of our community. We are so excited. I find myself thinking, 'we are published'. Then in disbelief, go back to Amazon, type in the title, and yes, it's there. It's really there. What a wonderful, exciting time for us!

The title of the first book is "Publish, Preserve and Profit from Your Family Recipes" An 'It's No Secret Guide™' by Nancy Matthew. (Our chosen pen name). We have presented helpful information for your project's journey and hope you enjoy the book as much as we enjoyed getting it to this point.

Currently the book is available as a Kindle eBook on Amazon.com and will soon be available in the print version, also through Amazon.com. Could this be the right time for you take on that project of preserving all your family's recipes? And sprinkle a little family history through the pages as you go? Here is the link to the instructions: 

If you own a Kindle and are a Prime member, this book is free for you through the Kindle Owners' Lending Library!

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